Welcome to Love's Legacy: Frankie & Jonny

The start of the story can be found
here and it can be navigated by using the menu to the right or by selecting newer post or older post at the bottom of each chapter. It may not be updated with quite the frequency of Edge of a Broken Heart but I will do my best to post at least once a fortnight.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Message From Venus

Hi Everyone,

Due to some unforeseen circumstances in my personal life I’m afraid my blogs won’t updated with the regularity they have been up until this point. Please be assured that Frankie and Alex haven’t been forgotten, I will continue to plot and plan for both of them and I hope to see some regularity return in the next few months. In the mean time, anything you can send me for inspiration would be greatly appreciated. Sorry to keep you all waiting and thank you for your patience. Please keep checking back...I’ll post as I can.



The Goddess Hathor said...

V, honey, I'm sorry for whatever it is that's going on in your life. I'll keep you in my thoughts, and don't worry about us; we'll still be here...

~ Hath

Bayaderra said...

I'm with Hath!
Hope everything is OK. And we will be here, waiting patiently.

Queenie said...

V, I hope things settle down for you soon. You're in my thoughts, and like Hath said, we'll be here when you get back...
